标题:The Joy of living!~
时间:12/24 23:28

Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them,giving them the freedom of a bind in the open.Joy in living can never be assuned as a pose ,or put on from me outside as a mask .People who have this joy do not need to talk about it; they radiate it.They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight and glow into other lives as
naturally as a bird sings.
We can never get it by working for it directly .It comes ,like happiness,
to those who are aiming at something higher .It is a by product of great,simple living .The joy of living comes from what we put into living ,not from what we seek to get from it.


回复列表 (16)
#1 哪里的英文课文呢? 不过很 ..
[全方网络 12/25 00:51]
#2 yes
[一块钱 12/25 04:33]
#3 可惜我是学商务英语的,这些不 ..
[全方网络 12/25 10:37]
#4 我的英语水平也不好啊!
[尚 12/25 20:43]
#5 这篇文章真的不错呢!!!呵呵 ..
[kitty 12/25 21:39]
#6 你翻译成中文的可以吗?
[全方网络 12/25 21:51]
#7 生活的乐趣 生活之乐源,于良 ..
[kitty 12/25 21:54]
#8 楼上的,大致速度很快啊!我才 ..
[全方网络 12/25 21:59]
#9 简简单单就是真!!!是你吸收 ..
[kitty 12/25 22:20]
#10 好缘分清清爽爽,好朋友简简单 ..
[全方网络 12/25 22:39]
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